Monday, April 20, 2015

What does success look like to you?

Success is a funny thing. It looks different to each of us. It takes different steps to reach it. But the one thing that is the same for everyone, is that in order to be successful, you need to be CONSISTENT.

The definition of consistency says it all: Consistency is the conformity in application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy or fairness.

Translated, keep at it every day, not just once in awhile but every day, in order to see results.

Tomorrow is Marathon Monday here in New England. The Boston Marathon is a 26.2 mile route that starts in Hopkinton and ends in good ol' Boston where crowds of people will swarm to encourage you through the finish.

I know a man who runs the marathon every year, has for years. He runs a good 10-15 miles everyday, rain or shine. Running for him, is like breathing and without it he feels incomplete. But not everyone is like him. As a matter of fact, he is a rarity.

I know another man who this year will run the marathon for the first time ever. When I first met him 7 years ago he was a co-worker who was over weight, wasn't motivated and by the looks of him, you would never know that he was a future marathon runner. About 2 years ago he joined a friend for some after work exercise and now, he is preparing for his first marathon. How did he get here, by doing something everyday. By running at first, just a mile, then maybe 2, then 3 and so on. It didn't happen over night, it happened over a 2 year period, and I couldn't be more proud of him.

Fitness and healthy eating is much like that. For some, it's a part of life and the only way we know how to live. For the rest of us, it's a struggle. Each day we have to do something to move forward or we will never make progress.

Thinking back to the friend who is running his first marathon, do you think he would  be ready to run today if he only ran once or twice a week? Do you think if he ate healthy and ran only one day a week, but ate take out food and candy bars while sitting and watching TV the rest of the week that he would be running 26.2 miles? Of course not.

Consistency is the key. Even if you don't feel like doing anything, do something, everyday and you will make forward progress. The more you do the faster you will move forward, but as long as you are doing something, you will make progress, you will see results.

Feeling tired and not really into that cardio workout you had planned? Instead of plopping down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, take a walk! Enjoy the beauty of spring, especially if you are here in New England and have been buried in feet of snow for the past few months. Invite a friend and use it as an excuse to connect, instead of over a glass of whine.

Sore from the day before, don't skip the workout, choose something like yoga or Pilates that will help you stretch your muscles out, while getting a great core workout. You have options and by doing something every day, you will make progress!

You can do this!

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