Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My Story Part 1 - Before I found my health

I am 5 months away from turning the big 4-0! I am married to a wonderful man and have two beautiful children. Seems dreamy doesn't it (well except for that part about turning 40...) And for most of my life it has been. I have a good job, I have supportive friends, I have a loving family, but the one thing that has pained me, is my weight.

Let's rewind a bit, I am 8 years old and in the third grade. I am sitting at the lunch table with all of my "friends" and one of these friends, Brett, tells us that you can tell if you are fat, by seeing if your stomach sticks out past your rib cage. So the whole table looks down at their ribs to see if their belly is sticking out. One by one they all happily reported that they were not fat, that their belly did not stick out! Until they got to me. That was a pivotal moment for me. That was the first time the cool kids shined a light on me and called me different. It was not a good day for me.

The stories I could tell.....Now I didn't have any sort of troubled child hood. I was just not genetically blessed with a fit and healthy body. And as life went on I can recall at least 2 instances where I snuck a large amount of chocolate into my room and proceeded to consume it, because I was too embarrassed to play outside with my skinny "friends".

As I got older my weight went up and down, never to dangerous levels but always floating between size 18 and 12. Fast forward a bit to me after college. Working full time and part time as well as taking a kick boxing class at a local dojo. And this I LOVED! And for the first time in my life my weight dropped to a comfortable size 8 and I was able to maintain it.

In 2004 I married that wonderful man I mentioned above and 2 years later in 2006 our first child was born. Isabel was just shy of 10#!!! So I guess you can imagine the toll that took on my body. Exactly one year later we tried for a second child. I would say that during that time I never really paid attention to my weight. I was breast feeding and knew I wanted another child so why bother. My weight was around 170#. In 2008 we were blessed with our son Jackson, although smaller than his sister he was still well over 9#. And when I returned to work 3 months later I was at 202# - the largest and most depressed I had ever been.

Over the next 4 years I did every diet known to man and none of them were sustainable for me. A majority of them were reputable programs like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig and these worked great for thousands of people, just not for me. I was able to lose 30# over that 4 years (very slowly) but I was stuck at that number for some time.

In June of 2013 a friend of mine posted before and after photos of her weight loss. She mentioned she purchased TurboFire DVD's and worked out every day, and she drank Shakeology every day and she was able to loose 36# in 3 months! I was hooked, before the sun went down that day my purchase of the exact same thing was complete.

This was the beginning of my health journey.
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