Alright so now you know the story of my childhood and how as an adult I found BeachBody and their products with the help of a good friend who got great results...
So as I mentioned in June of 2013 I found my friend who had success and quickly placed my order for the exact same program. I waited a week for my package to come, sight unseen and without even really paying attention to price, I just somehow knew that this was going to be the thing that changed my life. But when it arrived I was afraid to share it will my family.
Maybe a part of me figured this was just another expensive item that I would waste money on and never use. But that never stopped me before. When the package arrived I tore open box and quickly hid the Shakeology in the cupboard and the Dvd with the movies (non blue ray so he wouldn't bump into them) and I started to read through the book that came with it. It talked about nutrition, sleep, water, supplements (Shakeology specifically) and how to get through the workouts without feeling discouraged.
Next day I woke up early before the house was awake, pushed play, and while I made a fool of myself, I did it! I made it all the way through the workout! But the next day I was "sore" and decided I could take a day off, or two. My treat for having pushed play just that first day. Looking back it really was a shame.
Here we were the first week of July at this point and I was 5 weeks away from wearing a bathing suit at our yearly trip to the beach and I had a chance to make a change, and I blew it. Sure I pushed play a couple times in July and maybe a couple more in August but never more than once or twice a week. I did drink the shakes every day and that was going well. I felt happier and more energized and awake. Not to gross you out but my "movements" were a lot more regular as well. Hey, I am just being honest. It is definitely a perk of the shake!
August and our vacation came and went and I remember waking up on the morning my youngest would start kindergarten, and I stepped on the scale and low and behold, I had gained 5 pounds! How could that happen. I drink the shake almost every day (ok maybe every other) and I worked out once maybe twice a week. That should be enough right? I mean I didn't really change my eating habits other than that but shouldn't the weight just melt off?
SO I contacted my coach, the same inspiration that shared her success story with me and gave me just the kick I needed to place that order back in June. She told me that there is only 1 key to success - consistency. Push play every day, drink the shake every day and eat healthy every day - and you will see results. This is not a miracle pill, it's good old fashion hard work. She gave the analogy that it's like climbing a mountain. You can only truly appreciate the view if you worked your way up there step by step. It won't be fast, and it won't be easy. But step by step everyday without stopping and you will see that beautiful view.
So this is the advice I offer you. Take a step today towards being consistent no matter what your goal is - and you will be successful!
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