Thursday, May 28, 2015

What is your dream job?

If you really had to think about what a "dream job" is, could you do it? And I don't want to hear that you want to be the CEO of Coca Cola. Nope, think about what your life would be like with your dream job, don't narrow yourself into one position - speak to what you would do and what it would feel like to have that job.

And granted, this will change for you over time. Certainly my dream job when I was in my 20's changed when I got married and had kids, and then changed again recently when I really started to think about what I want out of life and where I want to be. So here are a few things I found out about myself.

I need something for myself. Said a different way, while I love being a mom and a wife, I need something that keeps me busy, challenged and fulfilled. So staying home and just being a mom and wife are part of my goal but not the whole picture. 

Travel is a part of my job I actually enjoy. Never for very long and not all the time, but getting out in the world while working, seeing people, going to new places I absolutely love. It's the adult, alone, mommy time most of us crave. I get up on my own time, get only myself ready for the day, eat what I want to eat (without having to cook or clean) and I watch what TV I want to watch. I can't accomplish any of this when I am at home, so once in a while it's nice to be able to do it. So travel is a must in my dream job.

Working from home is hugely important, especially if I plan to do some travelling. For the days I am home I need freedom to get my kids off to school, chaperon events and help with class projects when needed and be there when they get off the bus to help with homework and drive them to activities. My kids (and I am sure most are like this) do so much better with each other, and with me, when they have my attention. Most of the time when my kids act out it's because they just want me to spend time with them and when I have to travel to work and my hours there are determined by others, it makes it hard for me to be a mom when I need to be and so working from home and choosing my own hours (or at least having some flexibility) is a must in my dream job.

Working not only from home, but from anywhere is important as well. Even if I am technically working from home, it's important to note that I need to be able to work from anywhere if needed, so that if my husband wants to go home for a week to visit his family, I don't have to stay behind. My parents are in the process of moving to their new home in Florida and I would love to spend February vacation with them and my kids at their new home. Allowing myself some time to do work during the day, and then more time with my parents and kids as well. This type of flexibility is imperative for my dream job.

I guess working from home is huge for me because I would add to that and say I don't want my job to dictate where I live. My husband has always wanted to live in the middle of nowhere, like his dad (or something like his dad...) but that is tough when there are no jobs where you live. If at least one of us didn't have to worry about a commute we would be so much happier.

Working from home can get lonely so along with travelling I will need to spend some time with  people. Either at conferences or events as a participant, or, if I am going to be honest with myself, as a presenter. I guess part of me has always wanted to be in the light on stage sharing advice, or tips with others like me. Sort of like my blog, only bigger! ( so start sharing my page and help a girl out will ya? )

I enjoy my time on social media and can see that being a part of my dream job. Talking to people like I would at a conference but in a more personal setting. Meeting people with like minds and swapping stories. But I do not like sales, I am no good at it and I don't want to "sell" anything whether it's a product, or an idea. I just want to share with people who are like me and not feel like any relationship is forced.

And I want an office with a view, and a dog. But I won't bore you with those details. :)

So, what does your dream job look like?

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