Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Where did you come from?

Have you ever taken time to figure out who you are, and what you are meant for
Really thought through what you like or dislike about your situation?
Drown out what others think you are or should be, and really listen to what you want and like?

I have been going through an exercise of doing just that, trying to find me. And I thought it would be fun to  take you along for the ride. I will start by telling you a little bit about my current situation.

I am an only child of two loving parents. Both came from families where all you needed was love and a roof over your heads to get by, and despite financial hardships, managed to make it to retirement and still have a few dollars left in their pockets to enjoy life with. My folks taught me the value of a dollar, and how love should trump money any day. You can always try to make more money but you can't make anyone love you. And so as a result I am happily married to the same man I met and fell in love with 16 years ago!

I was the first in my family to attend college, but since financial hardships happened right around the time I graduated from high school, I ended up at a 2 year college (chosen specifically for it's trip to Disney World!) in New Hampshire before coming home and working full time, while trying to complete my degree part time. My life lessons here were that goals can be obtained, even if not through conventional methods that others choose. And at the end of the day, unless you are planning on running a Fortune 100 Company, the school you choose doesn't matter half as much as the experience you gain from working for a living.

I have two beautiful children, one girl, one boy. They challenge me each and every day as they grow up and learn new things, always asking questions. Being an only child I was certain I wanted at least 2 children, if I was physically able to - maybe more. After 2 kids I called it quits and while having a large family would have been my preference, having two kids gives me the satisfaction of knowing they will always have each other, and still be able to afford nice things for them, including occasional trips to Disney World :)

I have held many "office jobs" in the last 20 years,  and was lucky enough to meet a woman that showed me, at the right time, that you could be a mom and have a well paying job. That you sometimes have to outsource things that don't matter (cleaning your home), so you can focus on the things that do (taking your kids to sporting games or doctors appointments). She also taught me that it is just as important to love the person your work for, as it does what you do for them. You can have the best job in the world, but with a crappy boss it's just not worth being away from your kids. You have to have both and provide balance, in order to be happy.

I love to spend time with my family, read, go to the beach (and especially reading on the beach), travelling and doing for my family, whether it's organizing our schedules, chaperon school trips or help out in any way I can to make someone's day a little easier. I love random girls nights out, or family meet ups for no reason, mostly because I love to laugh. And if I am being totally honest,  I also get lost in social media from time to time. :)

But am I at the place today where I WANT to be? Or where I am MEANT to be? I have always felt like I was missing something, that I would be so much better if I was able to do something unorthodox and dreamy. Something that some may say is not for "us" that only dreamers and crazy risk takers would do, and we are not that type of people. Or are we?

More tomorrow on where I want to be, but for now, this is me in a nutshell!

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